The science

Gene of red Italians came from Sicily

For centuries, they were oppressed, persecuted, and even burned at the stake. People with fiery hair color were previously doomed to misfortune. Today, many dream of stunning hair color. So Italians. It would seem that all the fair sex in Italy are brunettes. But there are still surprising exceptions.
Trip planning

Weather in Rome for months

The climate and weather in Rome are largely determined by the geographical position of the capital of Italy. Rome's subtropical Mediterranean climate implies long hot summers and mild, albeit rainy winters. As for frost and snowfall, in Rome even in winter they are more the exception than the rule.

Taormina sights - what to see?

Writers and famous people of the past left only positive reviews about Taormina. For example, the Frenchman Guy de Maupassant, exclaimed that this resort is worthy of exceptional attention. "Even if fate gives you just one day in Sicily, spend it in Taormina!" The writer was undoubtedly right, a journey along a mountain road in the heart of the city to the main attractions is a pleasant adventure in itself.

Sculpture park

Visit the sculpture park and make up your mind about it. This place is interesting, ambiguous. Modern sculptors consider the park a platform for self-expression. Sculpture Park, photo mitue Sculpture Park (Skulpturenpark Köln) is a spacious green park in Cologne, located on the banks of the Rhine, near the zoo.

Herculaneum - the city that died during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Herculaneum (Ercolano) - an ancient Roman resort town on the shores of the Gulf of Naples (Golfo di Napoli), in the province of Naples (Napoli). Now on the part of its territory is the modern city of Ercolano. History According to legend, Herculaneum was founded by Hercules himself (Ercole). In reality, most likely, the first settlements on the territory of the city belonged to the Oscans - the ancient Italian people.

How to get to the island of Favignana

You can get to the island of Favignana by speed boat from Trapani quite simply. To do this, you need to arrive at the port and buy a ticket at the ticket office approximately 30-40 minutes before departure. In the high season of July-August, we recommend buying tickets in advance by arriving at the port or on the Internet on the airline’s official website www.

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How to get from Rimini to Venice: train, bus and car rental

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