Interesting about Italy

Inventions of Italians changed the world: telephone, radio, battery

Italy is not only the birthplace of fine wine, pasta and pizza. Residents of this amazing country have repeatedly glorified Italy, not to mention inventions that managed to change, if not the world, then at least the lives of several generations. So what kind of inventions of Italians can be attributed to the most outstanding and significant?

Phone Antonio Meucci

  For several hundred years now, people regularly use the telephone. This type of communication allows you to communicate with friends and acquaintances who are on the other side of the earth for more than a decade. Today we cannot imagine the modern world without this valuable and incredibly important invention, which belongs to the Italian Antonio Meucci. Back in 1871, a talented scientist provided blueprints for a telephone set of the world-famous Western Union company, which, however, did not believe the Italian, refusing to finance his project.

The scientist patented his invention, but soon he was unable to extend his rights to it, after which all winner laurels went to Graham Bell.

Alessandro Volta Battery

Another thing without which it is difficult to imagine our life and whose author is Italian is battery invented by Count Alessandro Volta back in 1799 in the territory of modern Italy.

It was this scientist, whose name, by the way, is one of the quantities in physics, who created a direct current source that could conduct energy.

Later, the scientist improved his invention: the electric batteries that are installed in many houses and apartments today are his achievement, as well as the gun.

Radio Guillermo Marconi

A hundred years ago, our ancestors could not even think that information can be transmitted using radio waves. However, already in the last century, our grandparents, mothers and fathers were already happy to listen to numerous radio stations, conveyed greetings to each other and danced to musical compositions coming from the radio. Contrary to popular belief that the Russian engineer Alexander Popov invented the radio, this the merit belongs to the Italian Guillemot Marconi (Guglielmo Marconi). A talented engineer, who came up with an amazing idea, did not achieve recognition in his native country, so he went to London, where he received support and brought it to the end, glorifying not only England but also Italy.

Anesthesia, glasses, jeans and socks

In the field of medicine, residents of beautiful Italy also managed to excel. In 1200 Hugo da Lucca invented anesthesiain 1300 another glasses were invented by an Italianwhich allowed patients suffering from myopia to see the world in new colors and boundaries for them.

In fashion, Italians also had no equal: first pair of jeans arose not at all in America, as many believe, but in Italy, in the city of Genova.

And finally, it was in Italy that were created world's first socks! Back in the 6th century, Italians, going to bed, wore special leather socks. Later, the British came to know about this idea, who used this garment in order not to rub their legs.

Watch the video: 10 Italian Innovations that Changed the World (April 2024).

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