How to get there

How to get from Milan to Venice

The distance from Milan to Venice is 269 km, and the road will take you about 3-4 hours, depending on the means of transportation.

The most comfortable way is the train, if you want to get cheap from Milan to Venice, then choose a bus and buy tickets in advance, and if you want to see the cities along the way or call Lake Garda, rent a car.

Let's take a closer look at all the options:

By train

From Milan to Venice, high-speed and regional trains run Trenitalia, as well as ItaloTreno.


Since March 2019, my favorite ItaloTreno high-speed trains run to Venice from Milan every 2 hours! The first train leaves at 06:34 and arrives in Venice at 08:34. I would advise you to leave at 11:34 and check into the hotel after 14:00, which is convenient if you plan to spend several days in Venice.

You can catch a LowCost fare in advance for only 9.90 euros or go to business class (Prima) for 18.90 euros.

Watch a detailed video instruction on how we got to Venice from Milan in first class for 50 euros:


Frecce high-speed trains leave for Venice from Milano Centrale station from 06:45 a.m. In Venice arrive at the central station Venezia Santa Lucia. Tickets cost from 34.9 euros. Travel time 2 hours 25 minutes - this is the fastest and most comfortable way to get there.

If you take care of tickets for several months, you can save significantly and find cheap options for only 14.90 euros.

If tickets for the high-speed train are no longer on sale or there are options that you can’t afford, then you can get to Milan from Venice by regional trains, however, you will have to change trains in Verona. If the train from Milan is delayed, then you can leave the next train. Such a trip will take at least 3.5 hours. The cost of tickets is constant - 20.70 euros, there are no discounts.

If you are planning a trip from Milan to Venice for just one day, it will be optimal to leave Milan at 07:45, in Venice you will be at 09:40. You can leave back at 18:20, 19:20 or at 19:50.

  • In order to spend the day in Venice as efficiently and effectively as possible, I advise you to book individual author tours in advance.

For planning a vacation in Venice you will find useful articles:

By car

If you travel by car, then on the way from Milan to Venice it makes sense to call in Verona, Brescia, Vicenza, Bergamo - each of these cities is worthy to spend at least a day in it. Do not forget about Lake Garda and one of Italy's largest amusement parks, Gardaland.

  • I advise you to read about: the best apartments and hotels on Lake Garda

Based on their cost of gasoline at about 1.6 euros / liter and average fuel consumption of about 7 liters per kilometer, the road to Venice from Milan with stops will cost 300 km x 1.6 x 0.07 = 33.6 euros. Read about the features of car rental in Italy and choose the best option I advise on our project

By bus

About once per hour, comfortable FlixBus buses run from Milan to Venice. Travel time is about 3.5-4 hours.

In Venice, buses arrive at the station in the Mestre district, from there you will need to get to Venice by regional train or bus.

I am sure this instruction will be useful, it will save you money and nerves. If you need advice on how to get to Venice from Milan, I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

Watch the video: Venice to Milan by train (April 2024).

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